SchoolDash Insights is our service for professionals across the education sector. It currently covers all state primary, secondary and special schools in England.
Here are some short demonstration videos to help you get a tangible idea of the wide range of information and functionality available in SchoolDash Insights.
The Schools section provides deep data on indvidual schools, including socioeconomic context, academic metrics, post-school destinations, pupil and staff profiles, and school financials.
The Rankings section allows users to create bespoke lists of schools based on their characteristics and locations.
The Exams section provides data on academic performance and subject choice at Key Stages 2, 4 and 5.
The Destinations section contains information about educational and vocational destinations at age 16 (Key Stage 4) and 18 (Key Stage 5).
The Pupils section provides data on admissions, occupancy, absences and exclusions, as well as pupil characteristics such as FSM, EAL and ethnicity.
The Staff section contains data from the School Workforce Census, including qualifications, age, gender, ethnicity, absence and vacancy rates.
The Recruitment section shows new teacher postions at secondary schools, by subject and seniority.
The Finances section shows income and expenditure patterns at national, local and individual school levels.
The Ofsted section tracks recent inspections and likely forthcoming inspections, as well as providing analyses of topics raised in Ofsted reports.