Grouping schools to tackle disadvantage

  • Cluster 1, Suburban: This represents 'middle England' outside the major cities. Socioeconomic and educational indicators are mostly unexceptional.
  • Cluster 2, Affluent Suburban: Richer suburban and rural neighbourhoods. The incidence of income deprivation is very low, but educational outcomes are not as good as you might expect.
  • Cluster 3, Affluent Urban: Richer city areas, especially in London. Much greater levels of income deprivation than Cluster 2, but also higher levels of educational engagement and better outcomes.
  • Cluster 4, Poor Urban: Especially in the North and the Midlands, but also to the east of London and elsewhere. Lots of adverse socioeconomic indicators, coupled with relatively weak educational outcomes – though not as bad as you might think given the levels of poverty.
  • Cluster 5, Poor Suburban: Again, mainly in the North and Midlands. IMD indicators are mixed, but income deprivation is high and educational outcomes are poor. These are the areas that have fallen furthest behind.
  • Cluster 6, Urban: Middling city areas in London, Birmingham and Manchester, among other places. Moderately high levels of income deprivation, but relatively good educational outcomes.

Figure 1: K-means inertia measure against number of clusters
Sources: Department for Education; Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities; Office for Students; SchoolDash analysis.
Figure 2: Two school clusters shown by their two principal statistical components
Sources: Department for Education; Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities; Office for Students;
SchoolDash Insights; SchoolDash analysis.
Figure 3: Locations of schools in Clusters 1 and 2
Sources: Department for Education; Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities; Office for Students;
SchoolDash Insights; SchoolDash analysis.
Figure 4: Four school clusters shown by their two principal statistical components
Sources: Department for Education; Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities; Office for Students; SchoolDash analysis.
Figure 5: Locations of schools in Clusters 1 to 4
Sources: Department for Education; Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities; Office for Students;
SchoolDash Insights; SchoolDash analysis.
Figure 6: Six school clusters shown by their two principal statistical components
Sources: Department for Education; Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities; Office for Students; SchoolDash analysis.
Figure 7: Six school clusters shown by their three principal statistical components
Sources: Department for Education; Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities; Office for Students; SchoolDash analysis.
Figure 8: Locations of schools in Clusters 1 to 6
Sources: Department for Education; Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities; Office for Students;
SchoolDash Insights; SchoolDash analysis.

  1. For Income, we actually used the IDACI subcomponent, which specifically covers income deprivation among families with children.

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